
the birth of Lola Anne

It’s really quite something when you’re moved to tears by your own photography…so very special. I’m thrilled to be able to share this beautiful birth story.

Holly and Dirk, it was an absolute honour to photograph the journey and arrival of your adorable baby girl. It was such a moving experience, words can’t describe how wonderful it was to be there to document Lola Anne’s birth story. There were so many beautiful moments. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to share your birth experience with you. I hope you treasure these images always.

For more information or to enquire about having your own birth experience photographed, please contact me.


  1. Simone

    Oh nathalie, this is so so beautiful! Tears here as well… it’s a beautiful documentary, really. Wow!!!

  2. kristen

    oh natalie, i’m bawling. moved to tears as well. so wonderful of you to capture these incredible moments that no one can put into words. beautiful.

  3. Holly Marder

    Oh Natalie, it was such a pleasure having you there with us for the birth of Lola. I am so so lucky to have these stunning memories to keep forever. You really did the most beautiful job and I can’t wait to see the many more birth stories you’ll do. I just know that with your talent, the discreet and professional manner in which you go about your work and your sunny nature, you’ll be a big success. Thank you and good luck! Much love, Holly x

    • Natalie

      Thank you so much, Holly. I feel so blessed to have met you. Sending much love to you all xx

  4. Willie

    Ow, Natalie…how cool is this….
    Really an awesome capture!!!

  5. Linda

    Waaw.. just WAAW!

  6. Anita

    Great job, pleasure to watch :)

  7. Claudia

    Totally speechless…

  8. Tanja

    Oh my, Natalie!I’ve been waiting to see this slideshow. I’m in tears! This is so beautiful! What a blessing for mom and dad to have these moments captured in such a beautiful way. Simply amazing. xo

  9. Jennifer Hejna

    Oh Natalie -this is so beautiful – I had tears in my eyes as well … so beautiful….

  10. lesley

    Natalie, these photos are beautiful. Simply stunning! Holly, you look amazing, congrats on your new babe! :)

  11. Charlotte

    Wow, Natalie! Stunning. Beautiful. Just… Wow! I’m truely speechless…

  12. Malinder

    Natalie, this is just beautiful!

  13. Kirsty-Abu Dhabi

    Amazing Natalie – the memories you have been able to give to for them forever are priceless – so beautiful

  14. Marjan

    WOW Natalie ! You catched all the emotions and all the tensions in your photos. What a special occasion and what a stunning story !

  15. Tanja A.

    Stumbled upon your website, because of Lesley linking to you. You made me cry. These are such emotional pictures. I love it!

  16. MissNeriss

    I watched this this morning, and was too emotional to comment. Absolutely moved me to uncontrollable tears. The moments were captured so, so beautifully.

  17. Ar'nie Rozah Krogh

    You made me wished I had flown you over to Singapore to capture what was my last birth experience!! I’m soooo jealous now! Oh how beautiful the birth process is and you captured it just right!! Natalie, you ARE the photography Goddess!!

  18. Naz

    Holy crap this made me cry so bad!

    • Natalie

      Naz, I hope that was a good thing? ..

      Thank you so much, to all of you for the wonderful wonderful comments, I really appreciate you all stopping by. I’m amazed by the response this slideshow has had, also on Facebook, and Twitter.. really want to say a big thank you to everyone!

      • Naz

        Yes definitely a good thing!

  19. Kiwako

    I simply could not stop with my tears. I am totally silent after watching this. I never shed this much tears with photos/video’s. I am really impressed with your being so sharp for so many hours – that’s why you are a pro but, even then! how many pro’s can put 200% for so many hours?! How fortunate is this family to have such a great record. This is a history.

  20. Lisa

    I just saw this Natalie.. how precious this is! You have so beautifully captured little Lola Anne coming into the world – I especially love all the little details.
    Holly – how wonderful to see Lola’s birth so filled with love and tenderness.
    Tears of emotion..? Streaming…!

  21. Dali

    Dear Natalie, this is just soooo beautiful! Was not able to hold back my tears, watching this so shortly after Fabijan’s birth. You did a great job once again! Sweet Lola Anne will have great memories to cherish :)



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Yes. It really has been 15 years!

I'm celebrating 15 years in business today!! Thank you to all the families who have trusted me over the years. Each photoshoot is very special to me. I photograph with a lot of love and care. A little piece of my heart is amongst all the photos displayed on your walls...


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The Hague, The Netherlands

A unique blend of documentary family photography and guided lifestyle family photography for
families welcoming a new baby.